Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Unearthing New Ground

I have been so excited to get the ground ready for my vegetable garden this year.  I have never planted a garden like this before, and I had the perfect place picked out.  The area needed a lot of TLC though.  I have intended on cleaning out this area for years now, and today seemed like the perfect day to do it.  I had it on my mind all day.  I couldn't wait to get out of my scrubs and throw on a pair of sweats and a T-Shirt.  I took my iPod and speakers out and turned on some good praise and worship music (New Life Worship) and I started unearthing new ground.  I started with a garden hoe, pulling back all the leaves that have piled up over a decade.  We have lived here for 4 years, but the property sat empty for 5.  I doubt this little corner had been touched for well over that.  As I pulled back the leaves and loose roots that just laid on top, I began to realize how rich and healthy the soil was underneath.  I then began digging out plants that have been dead for years, but the roots still seemed to be alive.  Now, please understand that I am no scientist, I do not know a thing about plants or even gardening for that matter, I think that is what is making this adventure so exciting for me!  Most of the roots came up out of the ground with no effort, and then there were some that I had to pull and tug on.  And then there was one that I dug nearly 2 feet into the ground, and tugged and pulled, and dug some more and tugged and pulled and could not get it out.  I was getting so frustrated because this one root was all that was left in this tiny area that I had worked so hard to clear out.  I decided to leave it be for a bit, and began working on a larger area.  To my frustration, I ran into a boulder.  A very large rock, that was comfortable sitting beneath the ground.  So as I dug away at this boulder, I began to see that it was sitting on top of the large root that I had been working on. I leave this area again, I began clearing away dead leaves and other debris that had lingered nearby.  This time, as I started digging, I was finding huge chunks of rock and brick.  I would no more than get the shovel in the ground good and I would hit something that would prevent me from digging further.  So I started back on that stubborn root again, the one that was more than two feet in the ground.  I dug out around it more and stood back and looked at it.  Here I am, a living, breathing human being, and I cannot for all the strength in me pull this out on my own.  I cannot move the boulder, for the earth is acting as a cement, keeping it there.  And as I looked at that root, and that boulder,  along with the pile of rocks and bricks and other debris that I had placed to my right, tears began to fill my eyes.  I suddenly felt as if this small piece of earth some how resembled my life.  So as I started digging and picking up pieces of rock, I began throwing it, sobbing, calling out what had caused me to build up a wall around my heart.  And as I began tossing these rocks out of the garden, and taking down the bricks from around my heart, I realized that this was all symbolic to the fact that I am moving on.  The things that happened in my past are gone. They are no longer a part of me.  I am unearthing new ground. As I picked up a piece of brick I threw it "LIES" I shouted. And another, "WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME?". And another, "YOU WEREN'T THERE WHEN I NEEDED YOU".  And yet another, "FOR EVERY TIME YOU SCREAMED IN MY FACE".  Finally, weak from all the emotion, I sit on a log behind me.  Directly in front of me is the boulder, and the root.  And I knew exactly what was represented in front of me.  I began to sob, out loud, completely forgetting that anybody could possibly be around, not caring if they were.  The huge boulder in front of me was divorce, it was Mom walking out and leaving me with too many responsibilities, it was my lost childhood.  And that deep, deep root, was rape.  It was nobody asking what happened.  It was nobody knowing until many years after.  As I gained my composure, I looked up at what had been completed in the garden. And as I run my hands through the rich soil, I see life.  I see worms and bugs and all sorts of life.  I see soil that is ready to bury seeds and grow something new.  Underneath all of the dead leaves, the dead plants, the dead roots, was life.  Underneath all the pain, the disappointment, the lies, there is life.  I think it would be good to clean out my garden more often.  To up-root things, more.  The greatest revelation I seen in all of this was not that there was pain there, but how deep the roots were.  How the roots of one thing entangled the roots of another.  How the boulder sat on top of these deeply rooted events, and how I have acted as a cement, protecting what hurts me so.  And how I serve a God who doesn't just cut away at the surface of the root but he pulls, and tugs, and pulls, until that whole things is up-rooted and out.   As I continued my work, I felt the Holy Spirit whisper to me, "It is over now Mandy. You can move on." And so I am. I have a new identity in Christ.  And so, whoever is reading this right now, I extend my hand to introduce myself.  It's nice to meet you, my name is Maranda, and I am a child of the living God. I am no longer identified by the things I have been through.  I could not move the boulders in my life on my own.  I could not, no matter how hard I tried, pull out the roots of all my pain. But I serve a God who is bigger, who is strong enough.  I hope if you are reading this that you are touched by my testimony.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Because Of Your Love

I will shout out loud
I will lift my voice
I am no longer bound
I am free, rejoice

You renewed my mind
You have filled me with peace
Joy now resides
Where pain used to be

I will shout out loud
I will lift my voice
I am no longer bound
I am free, rejoice

Fear has no place
In this heart any more
I am running a race
I am looking forward

I will shout out loud
I will lift my voice
I am no longer bound
I am free, rejoice

Monday, April 4, 2011

The infamous first post....

Here it is, this post will be the start of something that I hope to keep up with.  I have always enjoyed pouring out the contents of my heart in the form of colorful words.  Words that create a picture for everyone to see how great my life truly is, or possibly how horrible it might seem at a given time.  But through my words I hope to convey that even on the bad days, my world revolves around one central being.  One fact, one thing that I hold true to my heart.  The single fiber that holds me together, that being that the God I serve truly is the God on the mountain and God in the valley. Situations around me change, but the God I serve is the same today, tomorrow and forever. So travel with me, if you will, through this journey we have all come accustomed to calling "life", and laugh with me, cry with me, please, just feel, with me.  I will share with you the heart of a mother, of a wife, of a child of the living God.  Please feel free to comment or ask me questions.  I am looking forward to this.  With my well thought out introduction, here begins my first post:

 Welcome! This is my life. This is why I live and breathe.  This is me!  I am 22 years old (most people are shocked to hear that, I guess I seem much older than I am).  I got married when I was 18, and for those of you who cannot do math, I will be celebrating 4 amazing years of marriage with my best friend in July.  We have two little boys, Ramsay who is 3 years old, and Nikolai, who is 16 months old.  Ryan (my husband, best friend, partner in crime, my other half) met me when he was a Senior in High School and I was a sophomore.  We started dating that summer, right before my Jr. year and right after he graduated.  We just clicked.  He was loud and hyper and good at everything, and I was quiet and shy, reserved, and only had hidden talents.  But he indeed brought out the best in me.  I will admit that after nearly 8 years of being around this man, I am not very shy any more. I guess it is true, you do become like the people you are around.  I was going to a Church of Christ in the small town of West Mansfield, and my Pastor just happened to be his Uncle.  Ryan had come to preach to the youth for our monthly "Youth Sunday" and that is the story of how we met.  He had no clue what he was in store for that day, I always tease.  It is funny to look back at now, we treated him like a celebrity at that little church.  All of the youth even had him sign their Bibles, which I laugh really loudly about now! We loved to hear him sing, when he was down stairs practicing, we would all (all including maybe 6 of us girls) sneak down and put our ears up to the door to spy.  I had no clue then that he would end up my husband.  But here we are and I am happier than I ever thought I would be.  I am so glad that Ryan is a part of my life.  He is my best friend.  My life partner.  God is the center of our relationship, the center of our family.  Do we have hard times? Oh, of course we do.  But in the end it all comes back to the fact that we wouldn't survive without each other.  Ramsay and Nikolai are our pride and joy.  They keep us on our toes!  We have recently found ourselves part of a church in Byahlia (a small town between Mt. Victory and Marysville) called Oasis Ministries.  We are very excited to climb on board with this group of people who are on fire for God, and I am so excited to see what God is going to do here.  We feel right at home for not being at the church long.  The people there have made us feel more than welcome not only in the church, but as friends outside of church as well.  They have brought to me a new meaning of a church family.  If I had to sum up my life right now in one word, all in all, I would have to say BLESSED.  I am blessed, we as a family are blessed.  I am strong in the Lord, in my faith, and for the first time in my life, I am confident in who I am. I am comfortable in my own skin.